Home Todo El millonario negocio de «camisetas» que maneja un hijo de Fidel Castro.

El millonario negocio de «camisetas» que maneja un hijo de Fidel Castro.

El millonario negocio de «camisetas» que maneja un hijo de Fidel Castro. Según Almeida, Alexis Castro maneja los hilos (nunca mejor dicho) de un negocio que mueve millones: la producción y venta de pullovers (camisetas) para las continuas campañas y marchas políticas de Cuba. Ello supondría, por ejemplo, que detrás de la frase “Yo soy Fidel”, impresa en millares y millares de camisetas que se vieron con posterioridad a la muerte del patriarca, estaría la familia Castro, orgullosa de expandir su marca y encima con beneficios en moneda dura. Según el citado artículo: “Todas las empresas cubanas, comercializadoras o no, incluidas las artesanales, tienen la orientación, con carácter… More
According to Almeida, Alexis Castro pulls the strings (never better said) of a business that pulls millions: production and sale of pullovers (t-shirts) for Cuba’s continuing campaigns and political marches. This would mean, for example, that behind the phrase ′′ I am Fidel «, printed on thousands and thousands of shirts that were seen after the death of the patriarch, the Castro family would be proud to expand their brand and on top with benefits in hard currency. According to the above article: ′′ All Cuban companies, whether marketers or not, including craftsmen, are guided, on a regulatory basis, to buy shirts from a hidden industry that no one wants to talk about […] but Cuban companies are required to buy from them at 3 dollars each unit even if it costs half «. A Spanish entrepreneur, who has tried to make competition for such an exclusive business, has declared to the said source that he has visited the management of the chains Caracol, TRD and Pan American stores and that ′′ in all of them he has offered the same product with lower price and better price Quality, has participated in long tenders and even complained to the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Cuba, but never gets into the market «. Obviously, if it’s a business that throws interesting dividends, the Castro family won’t allow competitors to come out. Ultimately, for their disclaimer, they may think they work with ′′ the family brand ′′ and are consistent in expanding the ideological message that has sustained them in power for decades. According to the above Article: ′′ The small and unknown factory that produces this textile wealth is at Zero Point and its production costs are, without the slightest hesitation, illegal, because it works unpaid military, or rather, green slaves «. It is clear that if there is a business that can offer juicy dividends in Cuba it is, of course, ideology. If this textile business (away from hospitality or more busy and troubled worlds) meets the goal of being discreet and relative to an area of labour exploitation not very common, it seems to be ideal. However, as Almeida says: ′′ Among disgruntled men, there are no secrets «. Source: https://www.cibercuba.com/noticias/2017-02-07-u1-millonario-negocio-camisetas-maneja-hijo-fidel-castro ·

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