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De CUBA.. su Cocina, TOSTONES, CHATINOS… «a mi me lo sirves en fuente grande…» De acuerdo con el libro “Las Bondades del Plátano”, de la escritora Benilda Llenas de Herrera, “los plátanos y las bananas son originarios de Asia. Cuenta la historia que cuando Alejandro Magno llegó a la India se sorprendió de su delicioso sabor y los llevó a Grecia. Corría el año 327AC. Pero su difusión por el mundo se debe a los navegantes árabes, quienes sembraron las semillas del plátano, banano o guineo (como lo conocemos en nuestro país) en las costas de África Oriental”. Empero, “aunque los conquistadores portugueses introdujeron su cultivo en el Nuevo Mundo, en 1516, los esclavos africanos fueron… More
TOSTONS, CHATINES… ′′ You serve me as a big source…» According to writer Benilda Filled with Herrera’s book ′′ Banana Bondades del Banana «, bananas and bananas originate from Asia. It tells the story that when Alexander the Great arrived in India he was surprised by its delicious taste and took them to Greece. The year was running 327 AC. But its spread around the world is due to Arab navigators, who planted the seeds of banana, banana or guineo (as we know it in our country) on the coasts of East Africa «. However, ′′ Although Portuguese conquerors introduced their cultivation in the New World, in 1516, African slaves were responsible for naturalizing it in the kitchens of the continent, mainly in the Caribbean, Central America and the coasts of the Pacific and the Atlantic «. Banana is so rich it helps us reduce cholesterol levels, helps to naturally treat anemia, decreases arterial hypertension, reduces the risk of heart attacks and works as a natural antacid. And it’s the banana has multiple functions. Making some tostones with fried salami has no mother. To that you can add a little ketchup and salt which gives a delicious taste. Tostones are nothing but fried bananas. The more toast, the more tasty it tastes. Tostones are used to accompany countless dishes from gastronomy. ·

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