InicioTodoTérminos y Vocablos Usados en las Guerras de Independencia Cubana!! Las guerra

Términos y Vocablos Usados en las Guerras de Independencia Cubana!! Las guerra

✅ Términos y Vocablos Usados en las Guerras de Independencia Cubana!! Las guerras independentistas cubanas aportaron al idioma una serie de términos y vocablos que no resistieron el paso del tiempo, aunque algunos perduraron, como no… Sus significados estaban muy bien definidos y aprovechamos la ocasión para compartirlos. ✅ Plateados…. Se decía de los mambises desertores de las filas del Ejército Libertador que se dedicaban a actos de bandolerismo en los campos. El nombre surge por el gusto de utilizar objetos de plata en sus atuendos, desde hebillas, espuelas, chapas, empuñadoras de armas, cachas. Eran perseguidos tanto por las tropas coloniales como por los mambises, estos últimos no… More
Cuban independence wars provided the language with a series of terms and words that did not resist the passage of time, although some endured, of course… Their meanings were very well defined and we took the opportunity to share them. ✅ Silver…. It was said of the mambises deserters of the Libertador Army ranks engaged in acts of banditry in the fields. The name comes up for the taste of using silver objects in your outfit, from buckles, spurs, sheets, gun wielders, grips. They were persecuted by both colonial troops and mambises, the latter did not hesitate to hang them if they were captured. ✅ Majases…. Mambises who stopped fighting on the pretext of non-existent injuries or disease for which they caused off-duty active weapons. They were given to the life of eating, fatting and lazy… They were forcibly reinstated at the first chance, there was the case of some who joined the silver. ✅ Submitted…. Mambises deserting from the ranks of the Libertador Army and presented themselves to the colonialist enemy. These paid them if they did it with guns and horses. The presentation usually started the road to betrayal, these individuals provided information about camps, prefectures, mambisas forces and chiefs; they served as practical and even entered guerrillas at the service of Spain. ✅ Peacefuls…. That’s what the Cuban rural population was called, who didn’t join the war for many. ✅ Workers or when…. It was the term to refer to the secret collaborators of mambises in the villages. They were developing important intelligence activities, gathering resources for insurgent forces and were always asking: when they attack, when we meet, when we join the Libertador Army… hence the term of when. ✅ Pancho or Panchito…. The word for antonomasia to refer to Spanish soldiers, but it wasn’t the only one: gachupines, sparrows, some sources also point out gringos as a way to refer to them. ✅ Volunteers…. Civil Spanish who entered that body paying for their equipment, implements and spending in general. Merchants, fiercely integrist owners and always willing to suppress any demonstration of independence. ✅ Guerrillas…. Cubans serving Spain. They were regarded as very dangerous for applying mambisas tactics, knew the ground and when captured, inexorably executed. ✅ Prefecture…. It was the designation of free territories in the fields of Cuba where the injured were recovered, guaranteed planting, repairing armament, making implements, serving the mail. His authority fell to the prefect and subprefect. ✅ Cachanchara or Cuba Libre…. Drink that was prepared from hot water sweetened with honey or scrap and lemon. There were variations that included ginger roots, chili bush, orange peels. ✅ Killings…. Fried cow food with kidney tallow. There are other examples but so far the most important ones. Shout out to all. ·

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