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De nuestros dulces: «Los capuchinos cubanos,las ricuras doradas».

De nuestros dulces: «Los capuchinos cubanos,las ricuras doradas». Primos hermanos de la panetela borracha , Los Capuchinos eran dulces que pululaban en las bodegas, cafeterías, retaurantes y dulcerías criollas.
El vocablo hace referencia a las capuchas que se utilizan en las proseciones de los santos en la fe católica.Y es que la forma de este dulce es semejante a dicho gorro.
Hablando geométricamente es un cono cuasiperfecto por lo que se estudia tanto en la repostería como en las Matemáticas.(perdón es un chiste pesao).
Por mucho que he tratado de descubrir su creador o creadores, la verdad es que no he dado pie con bola, aunque en algunos textos se asocia a la pastelería francesa más que… More
Cousins brothers of drunken panetela, Los Capuchinos were candy that swarmed in the wineries, cafeterias, restaurants and Creole candy.
The word refers to the hoods used in the prosections of saints in the Catholic faith. And the shape of this candy is like a hat.
Geometrically speaking is a quasiperfect cone so it is studied in both pastries and maths. (sorry is a joke heavy).
As much as I’ve tried to discover its creator or creators, the truth is that I have not given footage, although in some texts it associates with the French bakery more than the Spanish one.
They’re so exquisite anyway that their creator whoever it was, they should give a prize in cash and not a ′′ cutting-edge diploma ′′ or ′′ prominent worker ′′ with the corresponding medalita.
Notice that in my words I don’t talk about the cappuccino but about the capuchins and they know why?, because it is impossible to eat one, they are so addictive that on birthdays or family parties were next to the panetelas the first ones that were over.
Careful, if you’re in Europe or in the USA, unless the place is not governed by a Cuban, they’ll serve you a coffee with foam, a product that has been usurped the name of our sweet Cuban Capuchino.
Below the recipe and bon appetite.
10 yolks of eggs
1 egg white
2 tablespoons white sugar
3 teaspoon cornstarch
For syrup:
3 cups white sugar
1 cups of water
1 lemon
1 branch of cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
Preheat the oven to 375°F (190 oC). Prepare the paper cones and place them in the capuchin mold hollows. Bata yolks, clear and sugar for 15 minutes until thick. Add the cornstarch little by little, gently wrapping the mixture. Pour it on a medium mouthpiece sleeve and fill up to 2/3 of each concealer. Bake it around 15 minutes or until they’re golden on top. To prevent tips from burning, put a plain tarta with some water in the bottom grill of the oven, while baking capuchins in the mould placed on the top grill. After bakes take the paper off and shower them with syrup. To make syrup: Fire sugar, water, cinnamon, peel and a few drops of lemon juice. Let it boil for 3 minutes. Add the vanilla and done ·

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