Home Todo << Circo Montalvo >> Creado en Matanzas por los trapecistas hermanos

<< Circo Montalvo >> Creado en Matanzas por los trapecistas hermanos

<< Circo Montalvo >> Creado en Matanzas por los trapecistas hermanos Montalvo en las primeras décadas del siglo. La tradición familiar provenía desde 1908. Le llamaron «Los carreteritos» debido a que viajaban en carreta tirada por caballos. A veces, debido a sus rasgos asiáticos, se presentaron como «Los Filipinos».
Dominaron varias disciplinas, primeramente el trapecio, después la cuerda floja y los equilibrios de báscula y barril. Reinaldo Chang, que utilizó también este apellido Montalvo, fue equilibrista desde niño y se convirtió en un apasionado activista del arte circense.
Las constantes giras y riesgos trajeron algunas tragedias en la familia de estos artistas, de las cuales Chang y… More
Created in killings by Montalvo trapecists brothers in the first decades of the century. Family tradition has come since 1908. They called it ′′ The Roads ′′ because they traveled in a cart pulled by horses. Sometimes, because of their Asian features, they presented themselves as ′′ The Philippines «.
They dominated several disciplines, first the trapeze, then the tightrope and balances of scale and barrel. Reinaldo Chang, who also used this surname Montalvo, was a balancing actor as a child and became a passionate circus art activist.
Constant tours and risks brought some tragedies into the artist s’ family, of which Chang and his wife were the only survivors. She, alturist, hung herself from the braid of her hair. On the last circus tour, one of the brightest, Ra úl Montalvo, lost his life shattered by a train as he returned from a season of performances. They were also victims of inclement tropical storms.
The Montalvo brothers, Jes Jesúss Félix and Eduardo, toured the country in various means of transportation, until their show attractions were strengthened and expanded. They toured South America, with lions, giraffes, kangaroos and ponies, but in Peru they lost much of their circus and passed an odyssey to return to their homeland. They brought figures and animals from abroad and again they recovered. Was this circus the first to bring in so called circus singers.
First one was Orlando Contreras. Among other famous circus singers are: Ñico Membiela, Orestes Isidron and El Indio Araucano, the latter of Chilean nationality. ·

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