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¿Y qué tal esta prenda que tanto usamos las mujeres como los hombres en Cuba?.

¿Y qué tal esta prenda que tanto usamos las mujeres como los hombres en Cuba?…”Las guayaberas”… Lo único que no me gustaba era a la hora de plancharlas jijiji… Cuenta la leyenda que el español José Pérez Rodríguez [Joselito], un alfarero andaluz que vivía con su esposa Encarnación Núñez García a orillas del espirituano río Yayabo a principios del siglo XVIII, le pidió a su mujer que le cosiera una camisa larga, holgada y cómoda, con bolsillos grandes a los lados, para guardar los tabacos y algunas herramientas del taller. Lo que nunca imaginó su inventora, Encarnación Núñez, fue que aquella camisa que saldría de sus manos y sus puntadas se convertiría con el tiempo en prenda nacional… More
Legend has it that the Spanish José Perez Rodriguez [Joselito], a Andalusian potter who lived with his wife Encarnaci aciónn N úez Garcia on the banks of the spiritian Yayabo River in the early th century, asked his wife to sew him a long, baggy shirt and comfortable, with large pockets on the side, to store tobacco and some workshop tools. What his inventor, Encarnaci aciónn Nunez, never imagined was that that shirt that would come out of his hands and his stitches would eventually become the national garment of Cuba and gain international fame by being elected by rulers, artists and even kings.
For many scholars, the shirt made by Incarnaci aciónn for her husband Joselito spent the years of rustic and country piece to a garment to be worn in special and solemn moments. The word ′′ guayabera ′′ is a derivation of ′′ yayabero «, as it is called the born on the margins of the Yayabo River, and became popularized in Cuba between 1908 and 1912, according to Figueroa Crespo. ·

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