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¡Matusalén, Matusalén hoy alegre y mañana bien!.

¡Matusalén, Matusalén hoy alegre y mañana bien!… ¿Sabían que Matusalem fue fundada en Cuba, en 1872, por españoles que por primera vez destilaron ron al estilo del brandi o el jerez? Esta bebida, para muchos espirituosa, que suele asociarse a las islas caribeñas, hay que empezar por las islas Canarias y en concreto, por Gran Canaria. Allí, el cultivo de caña de azúcar era uno de los principales motores económicos en los siglos XV y XVI. Al mismo tiempo, los colonos españoles descubrían América, y en su segundo viaje hacia el nuevo mundo, Cristóbal Colón llevó caña de azúcar canaria a las islas recién descubiertas. Sus características climatológicas eran propicias para su cultivo y permitía… More
Did you know that Matusalem was founded in Cuba in 1872 by Spanish who for the first time distilled rum in the style of brandy or sherry? This drink, for many spirituous, often associated with the Caribbean islands, must begin with the Canary Islands and specifically, Gran Canaria. There, sugarcane cultivation was one of the main economic engines in the th and th centuries. At the same time, Spanish settlers discovered America, and on their second journey into the new world, Christopher Columbus took Canary Sugar Cane to the newly discovered Islands. Its climate characteristics were conducive to cultivation and allowed increasing European demand to be supplied.
Eventually, it was discovered that the thick liquid resulting from extraction of sugar, molasses, became an alcoholic, strong-flavored and somewhat rough-distilled alcoholic beverage and distilled into alambiques. In an era of overseas wars on the American continent, this drink was popularized among combatants and pirates. Her quality jump wouldn’t come until many later. And in that, the Spanish also had to see. The brothers Benjamin and Eduardo Camp, of Catalan origin, along with their partner Evaristo Alvarez, opened a rum distillery in Santiago de Cuba, drawing inspiration from the process of making and aged brandies and cognacs, with a secret formula. They market the drink under the name Matusalem. In 1912, one of the founders, Benjamin Camp, returned to Spain. The company remains in the hands of his brother and Evaristo Alvarez, although shortly after his son, Claudio Alvarez, would take over Matusalem for the next 25 years. In 1920, the U.S. declares the dry law, which prohibited the import and sale of alcoholic beverages throughout its territory. This causes the country’s most affluent classes to move to Cuba for their leisure moments, which in turn leads to an increase in production and sales of Matusalem. During those years, which would last until fifty, Cuba became known as Paris of the Americas. In 1959 some island families left the country to destinations like Miami, in the United States, including the Alvarez family, then by Matusalem. Today the brand is making its rums in the Dominican Republic, although it has its operating center in Miami.
Six different varieties exist… Who likes a drink?… ·

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