InicioTodoLa ganadería, parte de la identidad cultural cubana.

La ganadería, parte de la identidad cultural cubana.

La ganadería, parte de la identidad cultural cubana. Era una de las actividades económicas del país que más beneficios reportaba. En 1957 se extrajeron 700 millones de litros de leche y se comenzó a exportar carne de novillos a EE.UU. En 1958 el censo ganadero se cifraba en 7,7 millones de reses con un incremento en la producción de leche de 275 millones de litros respecto al año anterior. El desarrollo agropecuario cubano alcanzó en el pasado siglo su cota más elevada situándose en cuarto lugar mundial en el número de cabezas de ganado por habitantes. Los propietarios sobrepasaban los 140.000 y ocupaban más de 300.000 caballerías de tierra -medida de superficie-, una actividad que empleaba… More
Cuban agricultural development in the past century reached its highest level in the fourth world in the number of cattle per inhabitants. Owners surpassed 140.000 and occupied more than 300.000 knights of land-measured surface-an activity that employed more than 30 % of the country’s workforce in the middle of the last century. In 1956, the census was estimated at 6,6 million and the slaughter was estimated at nearly half a million animals equivalent to a per capita consumption of 114 pounds per year of this meat. Because of its extensive savannah features, the province of Camag üey was at the top of this activity. In its extensive territories of 26.346 square kilometres pasta the largest flock estimated at more than 1.103.000 cattle (27,4 % of the total) in 1953 The island’s best livestock farms were in this region of the eastern central country. Gu áimaro, Najasa, Vertientes, Santa Cruz del sur and the municipality of Camag üey itself hosted properties such as Tayabito, Monte Burmedo, Hato Potrero and San Cayetano that produced a large portion of the meat livestock in the country. There were also significant milk producers such as The Finca Stool, The Star and The Hydrangea. Source: ·

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