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La calle de madera.

La calle de madera. Tacón . La calle Tacón tomó el nombre del Capitán General don Miguel de Tacón y Rosique, quien gobernó en la isla entre 1834-1838 A principios del siglo XIX la pavimentación de las calles de la habana era muy pésima; en muchas de ellas se habían eliminado las piedras llamadas “chinas pelonas”, y se sustituyeron por lajas de piedra con relleno de tierra, pero esto no funcionó en épocas de lluvias, porque eran arrastradas y llegaron a afectar considerablemente el calado de la bahía por aquellos tiempos. Los propietarios de las viviendas que por los mismos inconvenientes se vieron afectados, comenzaron a levantar frente a sus casas escalones de madera o piedra y en las… More
Heel Street took the name of Captain General Don Miguel de Heel and Rosique, who ruled the island between 1834-1838 At the beginning of the th century the paving of the streets of Havana was very bad; many of them had removed the so-called ′′ bald Chinese ′′ stones, and replaced by stone lajas with ground filling, but this did not work on times of rain, because they were dragged away and came to considerably affect the draught of the bay back in the day. The owners of the homes that were affected by the same drawbacks, began to lift in front of their houses wooden or stone steps and on the corners, the guardians emerged, as protection from the havoc left by carriages, which no few times They turned to irregularity in the field. They say the Captain General was annoyed by the continuous noise of carriages and mudajal that during rainy times formed in front of his honorable mansion. The truth is, that it was part of an experiment conducted for the paving of our main arteries, back in the th century, and that being very expensive and low-lasting, it was not implemented, being left alone as a testament to history, work who was in charge of engineer Evaristo Carrillo.
It’s the only one of its kind in the entire Cuban capital, and in the country. ·

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