Home Todo De nuestros caramelos y dulces populares: «La melcocha» Antes que...

De nuestros caramelos y dulces populares: «La melcocha» Antes que el chicle am

De nuestros caramelos y dulces populares: «La melcocha» Antes que el chicle americano y el regaliz español existía en nuestra tierra «La melcocha». Que no es tan distinguida ni tiene un nombre de abolengo es verdad, pero que es rica al paladar y de que gusta a niños y mayores es un hecho.
Si de melcocha se trata también utilizamos este vocablo para designar a personas resbalosas o a problemas liados o mezclados con otros.
La historia de la melcocha se remonta al surgimiento de los centrales azucareros en la Isla, aunque a decir verdad no es invento cubano ya que sus parientes más cercanos son españoles.
En la península, la confitería aragoneza prepara el alfeñique algo parecido a… More
Before American gum and Spanish licorice existed in our land ′′ La melcocha «. which is not so distinguished nor has a name abolished it is true, but it is rich in the palate and that likes children and older is a fact …
If it’s melcocha we also use this word to designate slippery people or problems messed up or mixed with others.
The history of melcocha can be traced back to the rise of sugar plants on the island, although to tell the truth it’s not Cuban invention since its closest relatives are Spanish.
In the peninsula, the Aragoneza confectionery prepares the alphaique something similar to our sweet.
According to the understanding, the word comes from the words honey and cooked, that is, honey cooked.
In Cuba in its beginnings it was prepared from the melao de cane, which by saying Oscar de Le ónn Rica is his sweetness. The recipe for this candy is shown below: Ingredients:
2 cups of tight sugar.
1/2 bar butter or 2 tablespoons oil.
A few drops of vanilla.
A water rate. How to prepare it:
In a large pot, we’ll add the water, sugar, and butter.
We stir until the sugar is dissolved we leave medium fire until it reaches the point of strand.
Once reached, we put the mixture on a long metal tray until it’s temperate enough to handle it.
We put a few drops of oil in our hands to slip, and when we knead we add the vanilla.
Pasta should be handled and twisted until it’s almost solid. Then it cuts and lets solidify. And now, here we have the mecocha. Let’s eat!! ·

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