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¿Conocen “La Cueva del Taganana”, bajo el Hotel Nacional?.

¿Conocen “La Cueva del Taganana”, bajo el Hotel Nacional?… el misterio oculto en los bajos del Hotel… Este elegante y emblemático hotel inaugurado en diciembre de 1930 esconde bajo su estructura un laberinto subterráneo, conocido como la Cueva del Taganana. Se le conoce como la Loma del Taganana y está ubicada en el saliente costero de Punta Brava, al otro lado de la caleta de San Lázaro. Durante la colonia era un lugar donde los piratas acostumbraban desembarcar. Este sitio tomó su nombre de una aldea de la isla canaria de Tenerife. Existe una leyenda de la Taganana canaria donde se cuenta la historia de la niña guanche Cathaysa, quien fue capturada y vendida como esclava a los… More
This elegant and iconic hotel opened in December 1930 hides under its structure an underground maze, known as the Taganana Cave. It is known as the Loma del Taganana and is located in the coastal salient of Punta Brava, across the coast of San Lazarus. During the colony it was a place where pirates used to land. This site took its name from a village on the Canary Island of Tenerife. There is a legend of the Canary Taganana where the story of the Guanche Catholic girl, who was captured and sold as a slave to the Spanish, back in 1494. Another legend has it being called this way because, during the th century, it served as a shelter to an escaped Indian who had the same name. This account inspired a narrative from Bah íaa Honda writer Pinar Del Rio, Cirilo Villaverde, the most important Cuban novelist of the colonial era. Whatever the origin of the name, this grotto still exists under the gardens of the National Hotel, but was transformed into tunnels. In this hill strategically installed in the middle of the th century, the so-called Santa Clara cannon battery. Ord óez cannon, one of the greatest and most iconic of the time. During the Missile Crisis, Cuban troops barricaded themselves in the Taganana cave, waiting for the development of events that kept the world quiet for thirteen days. Today, these underground facilities are one of the attractions of the National Hotel converted into a museum, where the visitor is known to the history of the high-tension conflict that was experienced back in the day. A guide is in charge of displaying the trenches and tunnels, as well as the photographs, objects and documents that are preserved there. I didn’t know it and you??… ·

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