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A Propósito de la serie de Netflix Gambito de Dama.

A Propósito de la serie de Netflix Gambito de Dama. En Cuba tuvimos una campeona de Ajedrez. Maria Teresa Mora Iturralde, niña prodigio del ajedrez y alumna de Capablanca. Primera maestra internacional de ajedrez en Iberoamerica y primera mujer campeona de ajedrez en Cuba. A la edad de 11 años, participó en su primer torneo, celebrado en el Club de Ajedrez de La Habana, donde obtuvo el primer lugar, siendo su primera hazaña dentro del deporte. Poco a poco su nombre fue conociéndose con más fuerza entre los círculos ajedrecísticos del país, pero nadie pudo prever que con 20 años, en 1922, conquistara el título nacional de Cuba. El impresionante hecho se concretó cuando ganó el torneo Copa… More
Maria Teresa Mora Iturralde, chess prodigy girl and Capablanca student. First international chess teacher in Iberoamerica and first woman chess champion in Cuba. At the age of 11, he participated in his first tournament, held at the Chess Club in Havana, where he earned first place, being his first feat in sport. His name slowly became known more forcefully among the country’s chess circles, but no one could foresee that at 20 years in 1922, he would conquer the Cuban national title. The impressive event came true when she won the Copa Dewars tournament, an event that was considered the national championship at the time and except for it, the rest of the participants were men. Against Capablanca, the Cuban great played three games, all simultaneously and her result couldn’t be better: two hits and a table. Few people in the world could ever vain to have defeated the great teacher, not even simultaneously, and she did it twice. She managed to reign among men, and in 1938 she earned the National Women’s title, which she kept until 1960. For 22 years she kept the crown, retiring undefeated. No Cuban woman was able to defeat her. ·

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