Home Todo 2 en 1 HISTORIA Y SALUD...


2 en 1 HISTORIA Y SALUD PLÁTANO (BANANA), ¿QUÉ SABES DE EL? HISTORIA Quizás la primera referencia sobre la existencia de plátanos en Cuba aparece
registrada en el acta de una reunión del Cabildo de la Habana fechada en octubre
10 de 1571. En ella se hace mención a la solicitud y otorgamiento de una merced
de tierra al indio Juan Alonso para que siembre plátanos en una pequeña explotación agraria de las denominadas conuco. Si se tiene en cuenta la presencia temprana en la isla de los mismos frailes dominicos de la Orden de Predicadores a
quienes se atribuye la introducción del plátano en las Antillas, y además, la estrechísima relación e interdependencia… More
HISTORY AND HEALTH PLATAN (BANANA), WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HIM? HISTORY Perhaps the first reference to the existence of bananas in Cuba appears
recorded in the minutes of a meeting of the Cabildo of Havana dated October
10 of 1571. In it mention is made of the application and granting of a Merced
from land to the Indian Juan Alonso to plant bananas in a small farm of the so-called conuco. If you consider the early presence on the island of the same Dominican friars from the Order of Preachers to
who attributed the introduction of banana in the West Indies, and also the very close relationship and political-administrative, religious and military interdependence that existed between the islands of Cuba and the Spanish, especially before 1561, nothing
it would be strange if such cultivation was well known in the west of the island since then. By that date it was already 55 years since bananas had been brought to the territory of the West Indies by the friar Berlanga. Taking into account the favorable subtropical climate of Cuba for the reproduction of the various varieties of muse, it is easy to assume that by then its cultivation was practiced in the sites, stays and conucos around Havana and other populations. HEALTH This fruit rich in minerals such as magnesium, potassium, folic acid and astringent substances, banana also offers a high contribution of fiber, of the fruit-oligosaccharides type. It’s poor in fat and protein. It also possesses beta carotene, group B vitamins-mostly, folic acid-and C, and vitamin E vestiges. The presence of the 3 antioxidant vitamins (A, C and E) causes it to be considered a fruit that provides health to the body. It has a mild diuretic effect and is remineralizing. It is very valuable as a natural and tasteful source of energy, excellent for children and athletes. Obese and anxious people should consume it not mature, because in this way it prolongs satiety. Magnesium is related to the operation of gut, nerves and muscles, being part of bones and teeth, enhances immunity and has a smooth laxative effect. Potassium is a mineral necessary for transmission and generation of nerve impulse and for normal muscle activity. Intervenes in water balance inside and outside the cell. Avoid muscle cramps. Folic acid intervenes in the production of red and white blood cells and the formation of immune system antibodies. By having high amounts of potassium and low sodium, it is beneficial for fighting arterial hypertension as it removes water and sodium from the organism. It’s a food rich in carbs hydrates (3 natural sugars: saccharin, fruit and glucose) combined with fiber (oligosaccharides). Effective in diarrhoeal process. Your wealth in zinc is useful to prevent fall and strengthen hair. Its pectin content, which is greater than the apple, along with the fiber, helps drag cholesterol. It doesn’t bring as many calories as it’s thought. Approximately 90 calories every 100 g of food. If we compare it to 1 medium apple (150 g) it is equal to the amount of calories, but its satiety is greater, making it more valuable to choose if you consume it not ripe. This supernutritious fruit can intervene in the prevention of diseases, provided that balanced food is followed and physical activity is performed. Depression: Your wealth in tryptophan is very valuable, a vital amino acid for the release of serotonin (neurotransmitter found in several regions of the central nervous system and that has a lot to do with the mood), that nutrient helps people who they have depression to feel better after consuming bananas. It contains high amounts of vitamin B, which helps regulate and calm the nervous system. It’s rich in vitamin C and phosphorus, ideal for mind strengthening. Help those suffering from eating disorders, as it contains a natural stimulant of good humor: the said tryptophan. In cases of inappetence or anorexia: it is a very digestible fruit when consumed ripe, rich in components that stimulate digestion. In children, a good resource is to use banana combined with other foods in fruit mash, milk cream, desserts, milk liquefied, to stimulate appetite. Stress Prevents: Potassium is a vital ore, which helps normalize heart rate by bringing oxygen to the brain. In addition, it regulates water balance in the body. When we’re stressed, the metabolic rate rises, reducing our potassium levels. This can be balanced eating a banana. Contains vitamin B 6: Regulates blood glucose levels by improving mood. Those who quit smoking: Banana can help them by their high levels of vitamins C, B 6 and B12, as well as the potassium and magnesium they contain, helping the body recover from the effects of withdrawal syndrome. Reduce heart attack probability: According to an investigation published in New England’s Medical Newspaper, eating bananas regularly can reduce the risk of heart attack death by up to 40 %. Prevention of gastric ulcer: Because of its natural antacid effect on the body, when consumed mature and without threads, it is easily digestible. Against Gastritis: Can help in treatments to combat gastritis. It can also be used to heal them. For this to be effective, bananas (bananas) are considered to have to be large-sized, cooking-sized varieties that have to be green. In diarrhoeal cases: It’s rich in tannins, which can have astringent value. To detoxify the organism: It has vitamins C and A. In older people and students: In older people it helps delay senility problems. In students, it increases memory, and is useful especially in exam times. To remove warts: It removes the inner part of the skin from the banana and refogs on the wart a couple of times for a week. For these properties and for so many others, I recommend you consume 1 non-ripe banana (if you don’t have gastritis) daily. And in case you have any digestive symptoms, consume it mature and without the sprinkles. History: taken from a scientific publication. Health: taken from a nutrition magazine. ·

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