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Seguimos rememorando a nuestros actores que muchas veces se desconoce totalmente

Seguimos rememorando a nuestros actores que muchas veces se desconoce totalmente de ellos… Yolandita Ruiz. Actriz, y comediante musical cubana. Nació en La Habana,octubre de 1955-muere en Madrid, España 2019. Residió también en Italia,Venezuela y Miami. Estudió en la Escuela de Formación de Actores del ICR y tuvo como profesor entre otros a Alejandro Lugo. Actuó muchas veces a las órdenes de Loly Buján y de otros grandes directores en aquellos programas dramáticos que hicieron historia. Loly la consideraba una excelente actriz joven, con mucho futuro y le dio papeles importantes, integrándola en el equipo de grandes intérpretes con los que solía trabajar (Paulín, Toraño, Dantés, Margarita… More
Yolandita Ruiz. Cuban actress, and musical comedian. Born in Havana, October 1955-died in Madrid, Spain 2019. He also resided in Italy, Venezuela and Miami. He studied at the ICR Actors Training School and had Alejandro Lugo as a teacher among others. He acted many times under orders from Loly Bukhan and other great directors in those dramatic programs that made history. Loly considered her an excellent young actress, with a lot of future and gave her important roles, integrating her into the team of great interpreters she used to work with (Paulin, Tora ñoo, Dantés, Margarita Balboa, Veronica, Miriam Mier, Josefina Henriquez, Miguel Navarro) … He reached the first places of popularity from the premiere of Ramona, a soap opera in which he formed a couple with Fidel Pérez Michel. But it wasn’t until her release on the soap opera The Lady in White in which she reached star status, it was a television adaptation of Wilkie Collins’s novel that featured high levels of audience. Among the plays is worth mentioning A colonial house, comedy by Nicolas Dorr that overcrowded the Cuban National Theatre for several seasons. He also achieved successes in The Enchanted Soul and Ramona. One of his most remembered roles in the Juan Quinqu nn series. He also worked at Se Permuta. In Venezuela she was a teacher at the Training Center of the Comprehensive Artist of Caracas, in a cultural exchange, she worked in a Venevisi visiónn academy. From there he went to Italy in the late s, where he taught Spanish phonetic courses.
In Spain she worked as an actress, director and acting teacher. In 2012 he performed in Miami and was in front of the cast of The Game of Electra, a show of Mephisto Theatre based on the piece of Virgilio Pi ñera, directed by Liuba Cid. Yolandita died in a Madrid hospital aged 63, on October 1, 2019, a victim of cancer. Yolanda Ruiz (or Yolandita, as they called her from affection) will always be kind presence of a time that goes away, but remains in the memory of millions of Cubans. EPD ·

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