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Huesos para el pueblo y ¿la carne para quién? La usuaria Dayana Silot Piedra com

Huesos para el pueblo y ¿la carne para quién? La usuaria Dayana Silot Piedra compartió en el grupo de Facebook Hakuba, duras imágenes de un costillar desprovisto de carne destinado a la alimentación de una enferma. «Esta es la foto que deberían enseñarles a la ONU, para que me diga qué motivo de celebración (hay), para la alimentación en Cuba», expuso la usuaria en este Grupo informativo para Cubanos, también refiriéndose a que en los últimos días la prensa oficialista cubrió los agasajos de la FAO a la «soberanía alimentaria» en la isla caribeña. Ante la venta de pollo en dólares y la escasez de otros alimentos, una ciudadana en silla de ruedas, residente en el municipio de Matanzas, solo… More
User Dayana Silot Piedra shared in the Hakuba Facebook group, harsh images of a rib without meat intended for feeding a sick woman. ′′ This is the photo you should show the UN, to tell me what reason for celebration (there is), for food in Cuba «, the user in this information group for Cubans, also referring to that in the last days the official press covered FAO’s gasses for ′′ food sovereignty ′′ on the Caribbean island. Given the sale of dollar chicken and the scarcity of other foods, a citizen in wheelchair, resident in the municipality of Matanzas, could only get a rib with a little meat stuck to the bones. Silot Piedra reported that buying groceries through the notebook is also a begging for his family, because his consanguine is no longer given preference in queues. ′′ Those who told me abuser for giving my son cucumber rice, don’t worry anymore, now I’m going to give him bone soup and it’s not because of lack of money, it’s because of lack of humanity and democracy in Cuba «, he said .. Silot Piedra recalled that the country was literate in 1960, allegedly, so that Cubans learn to demand their rights and not shut up, so he said that he will continue to use his cell phone to denounce the lie and misery that is lived on the island. ′′ If you want to keep eating like a dog and living like an animal, live like this but don’t mess with people who demand a little dignity, I don’t ask for dollars, I don’t ask to leave the country, I just want to be respected as a human being «, the user expressed. The publication of Silot Stone occurs ten days after the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) congratulated Cuba on the occasion of World Food Day. Published25/10/2020
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