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GENIO de la música cubana, el maestro GONZALO ROIG se deben algunas de las más a

GENIO de la música cubana, el maestro GONZALO ROIG se deben algunas de las más afamadas obras de la música cubana, entre ellas la zarzuela “Cecilia Valdés” y el criollo bolero “Quiéreme mucho”. A este último estuvo dedicado recientemente el programa televisivo Nuestra Canción. “Gonzalo Roig Lobo (1890-1970) fue un compositor, director musical y pionero del movimiento sinfónico en Cuba. Tocó violín y contrabajo, aunque finalmente se dedicó a componer y dirigir. Es autor de importantes obras y considerado en la musicología cubana como uno de los más espléndidos representantes del post-romanticismo del siglo XX”, afirmó Jesús Gómez Cairo, director del Museo Nacional de la Música. “Entre otros… More
′′ Gonzalo Roig Lobo (1890-1970) was a songwriter, music director and pioneer of the symphonic movement in Cuba. He played violin and bass, although he finally dedicated himself to composing and directing. He is the author of important works and considered in Cuban musicology as one of the most splendid representatives of the post-romance of the th century «, said Jes Jesúss Gomez Cairo, director of the National Music Museum. ′′ Among other merits, he founded the Havana Symphony Orchestra in 1922, along with Ernesto Lecuona, and his musical activity moved in various areas. ′′ The author himself said that in 1915, Cuban lyricist and playwright Agust ínn Rodriguez asked Roig to compose the music of a sainet called ′′ mandatory military service «, in the context of the world war. He then created a love duo, whose music became the bolero ′′ Love Me Much ′′ time later, the musicologist said. ′′ In 1917 he composed the first section to one he had done two years ago, incorporating Roger de Lauria’s lyrics to the one already written by Agust ínn Rodriguez. It came up like this ʻ Love me a lot ʼ which independent piece that fruited very soon in the taste of the Cuban public and other countries of the world «, he continued. ′′ As a sainet duo, this bolero premiered in 1915, in the voices of Blanca Becerra and Rafael Llorens. What an independent work, was first heard in 1917, performed live by Cuban tenor Mariano Menéndez. His first recording was performed by the famed Italian tenor Tito Schipa, for the RCA Victor albums, which spread it around the world «, the specialist said. ′′ On one occasion, the composer claimed that this was not his masterpiece, and personally I think his summit piece is the ʻCecilia Valdés ʼ Zarzuela. But, without a doubt, Roig’s entire legacy has a huge significance for Cuban music culture «. ′′ ʻ Love me a lot ʼ is not only dedicated to the couple but to universal affection. It’s a song of joy and eternal, broad, human love that will live forever in those who listen to it «, Gomez Cairo concluded. This piece has been internationalized in exceptional voices like Julio Iglesias and Pl ácido Domingo. Without a doubt today February 14th, it’s a good opportunity to remember it. ′′ Love Me Much ′′ lyrics
Author: Gonzalo Roig Lobo Love me so much sweet my love
I will always adore you Me with your kisses and your caresses
my sufferings will silence. When you really want to
as I love you
It is impossible my sky
so separate living. When you really want to
as I love you
It is impossible my sky
so separate living… so separate living. Me with your kisses and your caresses
my sufferings will silence. When you really want to
as I love you
It is impossible my sky
so separate living. When you really want to
as I love you
It is impossible my sky
so separate living… so separate living. ·

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