InicioTodoNepotismo de ministro Alejandro Gil enciende el debate en redes sociales.

Nepotismo de ministro Alejandro Gil enciende el debate en redes sociales.

Nepotismo de ministro Alejandro Gil enciende el debate en redes sociales. Una publicación en Facebook de la artista cubana Salomé García Bacallao, residente en España, ha encendido nuevamente el debate en redes sociales sobre la “integridad” y “altruismo” de los dirigentes del régimen, supuestamente revolucionarios y ejemplos de superioridad moral. “Una duda: ¿es nepotismo que ambos hijos del viceprimer ministro y ministro de Economía y Planificación estén a cargo de las exportaciones y la inversión extranjera en Cuba?”, cuestionó la artista en su post, donde adjuntó capturas de los perfiles en Twitter de Alejandro Gil Fernández y sus hijos Alejandro Arnaldo Gil González y Laura María Gil… More
A Facebook post from Cuban artist Salomé Garcia Bacallao, resident in Spain, has again ignited the debate on social networks about the ′′ integrity ′′ and ′′ altruism ′′ of regime leaders, allegedly revolutionary and examples of moral superiority. ′′ One doubt: it is nepotism that both sons of the deputy prime minister and minister of finance and planning are in charge of exports and foreign investment in Cuba?», questioned the artist in her post, where she attached captures of the Twitter profiles of Alejandro Gil Fernandez and his sons Alejandro Arnaldo Gil Gonzalez and Laura Maria Gil Gonzalez. According to the profiles, the son of the senior official of the regime exercises as a specialist in the Single Window for Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, while the daughter is a specialist in the Export Authority of the same portfolio. For several opinions in Garcia Bacallao’s post, both young people occupy those positions makes the answer to the question raised by her affirmative, which is contrary to the morality and ethics that continually like to boast the regime and its acolytes, even though they’ve always been perfect examples of ′′ do what I say and not what I do «. ′′ Cuba is a family business «, Cuba has always been an estate ′′ and ′′ That’s called continuity of the bloodline ′′ are some of the comments Cuban netizens have made in the publication, where the vast majority of reactors say which is a clear case of ′′ nepotism, influentialism, family business, political convenience, demagoguery and more «. Of course it’s nepotism, every dictatorship ends in that because absolute loyalty is best cultivated on family grounds, the user identified as Elvis Fuentes argued, while Sandra Contreras pointed out that things like that are common in the regime’s ′′ revolutionary ′′ political class .. ′′ They control everything and do whatever they want. They make fun of the people «. In June of last year, Alejandro Arnaldo Gil Gonzalez, son of Cuban finance minister Alejandro Gil, blamed US President Donald Trump for the reigning shortfall in the island markets and criticized popular actor Luis Silva (Panfilo) for standing against censorship of humorist Andy Vazquez, ′′ Facundo «, on the show Live del Tale. The young man, next to turn 20 at the time, according to a Cuban Communist Party license shared by himself on Twitter, considered that ′′ (…) much work is not so [messing up] but criticize is easy «. This, referring to the words of Luis Silva, who had said earlier on social networks that those who should be punished, rather than actor Andy Vazquez, are responsible for the disupply in the Cuban markets. SOURCE ·

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