Home Todo El negocio de la sangre que el régimen oculta a los cubanos.

El negocio de la sangre que el régimen oculta a los cubanos.

El negocio de la sangre que el régimen oculta a los cubanos. Los seres humanos podemos perder sangre por múltiples razones que incluyen accidentes y cirugías, entre otras situaciones. Para superar este problema, médicos, Estados y organizaciones civiles solicitan a los ciudadanos donar sangre. En el caso cubano, la dictadura ha hecho de la donación de sangre un deber revolucionario. En uno de los diarios oficiales del régimen, el Granma, es común ver reportajes dedicados a aplaudir a quienes donan sangre. Las campañas cubanas han sido efectivas para promover que los ciudadanos donen sangre. De acuerdo con fuentes oficiales cubanas, los isleños realizan 400.000 donaciones voluntarias de… More
Human beings can lose blood for multiple reasons including accidents and surgeries, among other situations. To overcome this problem, doctors, states and civil organizations are asking citizens to donate blood. In the Cuban case, the dictatorship has made the donation of blood a revolutionary duty. In one of the regime’s official newspapers, the Granma, it is common to see reports dedicated to applauding those who donate blood. Cuban campaigns have been effective in promoting citizens to donate blood. According to official Cuban sources, the islanders make 400.000 voluntary blood donations per year. Socialist propaganda does not communicate to its citizens that it has set up a blood business. In this effort to encourage Cubans to allow their blood to be taken voluntarily are the Revolution Defense Committees (COR), groups of civilians carrying out surveillance work for the regime. In addition to voluntary donations, the public health system (only possible on the island) requires patients to donate blood in all surgery. It seems that the dictatorship rightly plans to maintain sufficient blood reserves for its citizens. However, the castratist regime has made blood a round business at the expense of civility, and possibly the suffering of some Cubans. The Cuban government, which condemned private initiative on the island for years, made blood sale a round business. Negotiating with blood is not reprehensible, yet the island regime hides its citizens what happens with the blood that is taken from them. This also shows how the Cuban regime has impoverished a country that during the fifty-fifty s was among Latin America’s richest in terms of GDP. Even more serious is the fact that international medical and civic organizations claim that the Caribbean island is forced to extract blood of the death penalty for sale. These actions go against the Code of Ethics for Blood Donation and Transfusion of the International Blood Transfusion Society. According to this code, blood donors must diligence informed consent by expressing their willingness to donate. In the s, the Cuban regime began to force the blood of its prisoners. Cuba thus copied the model of the Democratic Republic of Germany (RDA), socialist Germany. According to reports from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the Cuban regime took blood from several people sentenced to death. Not only that, in the same decade, the IACHR also reported cases of relatives of convicted of giving blood. If they did, they were allowed to visit their relatives arrested and convicted. According to the report, the Cuban regime sold the blood obtained to Vietnam. The price then was USD $ 50 per pint of blood (half a liter). Cuba Archive names cases of death sentenced to death, who were forced to have blood taken. Among the cases reported by the aforementioned organization are several anti-communist leaders such as Juan Pérez Cabrera, Elizardo Santana Bonilla, Robert Fuller (American citizen) and Angel Moses Ramos. During the eighties the Cuban regime closed the doors on the arrival of blood from other countries. The official excuse: to avoid AIDS infection. However, according to Cuba Archive, the Cuban blood trade continued during that decade. In 2012, the Uruguayan newspaper El Pa Paíss reported that the blood business represented Cuba’s first export product to Uruguay. According to the Uruguayan newspaper, the Eastern Republic paid $ 0,9 million for the said product. According to the Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC), Cuba’s business of selling human and animal blood reported $ 31.3 million to the country. The top blood buyers selling the Cuban regime are Argentina, Brazil, South Africa and Colombia. Argentina purchased 35 % of total Cuban blood sold; Brazil 14 % South Africa and Colombia 8,1 % in previous years. The main buyer of the product sold by the Cuban regime was Venezuela. In 2014, the human and animal blood that Cuba sold represented 1,8 % of the country’s exports. Freedom for what?
In liberal democracies information flows freely. Civilian organizations investigate the State and denounce their governments when they commit illegal acts. Likewise, the press’s work in the free world should be to denounce the excesses of State power. In turn, states in liberal democracies have a duty to inform their citizens transparently. Freedom of association in Cuba is strongly restricted. On the Caribbean island, a regime that allegedly defends worker s’ rights, there is no freedom to create unions. There is also no freedom to create independent political parties. For its part, the regime owns all mass media and internet access. The dictatorship, which controls all the powers of the State, hardly publishes reliable data about its actions, prevents citizens from scrutinizing its actions. Under current conditions, researching what’s behind the blood business in Cuba is quixotesque work. Blood donation is an act of humanism and civility. However, donors should be able to know what will happen to their blood. Cuban government is not transparent with donors. On the other hand, no one should be forced to donate blood. The Cuban regime also does not allow the right of some of its prisoners to decide on their blood. Cuba: Unpaid Blood Donors / Useful Donations 2010 420.372 402.422 2011 412.408 393.325 2012 428.304 406.846 2013 446.147 428.729 2014 407.989 392.244 Fidel Castro, when in an exhausting speech on February 6, 1961, he said – and I quote – ′′ They do not believe counter-revolutionaries that because of dying infamously against the wall, will not be useful to the Cuban Revolution. The blood of these traitors is being drawn before execution to save the lives of many militiamen willing to die for the homeland By: Angelo Florez of Andrade December 26, 2016 Watch video 🚨 https://youtu.be/tFRMrOSQqBo See link 🚨 https://panampost.com/angelo-florez/2016/12/26/negocio-sangre-regimen-oculta-cubanos/ ·

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