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Continuamos la saga de la repostería cubana: «El tocinillo del cielo o el cielo

Continuamos la saga de la repostería cubana: «El tocinillo del cielo o el cielo en un tocinillo» No,no quiero blasfemar de mi credo al comparar un dulce con el cielo, pero la verdad que el tocinillo es la gloria al paladar. Lo cierto es que esta delicadeza no es nuestra, es española. El origen del tocinillo está en el siglo XIV en Jerez de la Frontera, municipio de la región de Andalucía. Las primeras noticias del tocinillo del cielo se remontan al año 1324, fecha en la cual fue creado por las monjas del Convento de Espíritu Santo de Jerez. Su origen está ligado a la elaboración del vino de la zona y al empleo masivo de claras de huevo usadas para la clarificación del mismo. Las yemas de… More
No, I don’t want to blaspheme my creed when comparing a sweet tooth to heaven, but the truth is the glory to the palate. The truth is that this delicacy is not ours, it’s Spanish. The origin of the tocinillo is in the th century in Jerez de la Frontera, municipality of the region of Andalusia. The first news of the sky’s ancillle can be traced back to 1324, the date on which it was created by the nuns of the Holy Spirit Convent of Sherry. Its origin is linked to the making of wine in the area and the mass use of egg whites used for clarification. Leftover egg yolks were handed over to the religious ones, which in order to reuse them, created dessert. From the above it is obvious that the origin of this delicacy has a religious dye hence perhaps the last name that fits it. Our land also came from the hand of the friars and religious Benedictines or Escolapios. I haven’t been able to verify these claims but things must be around.
Already in our homeland, it has become rooted in such a mamera that we can consider it as a sweet national by granting Cuban passport and citizenship. As always here I leave the most common recipe in the link:
https://youtu.be/vRer1u6Er5o Note: Can flame with brandy or brandy, the taste is spectacular. ·

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