InicioTodo2 en 1 Historia y Salud GUAYABA QUE RICOO.

2 en 1 Historia y Salud GUAYABA QUE RICOO.

2 en 1 Historia y Salud GUAYABA QUE RICOO.. A MI ME LA DAS EN CASQUITOS, …. Y A TÍ, CÓMO? Historia La Guayaba (psidium guayava) es originaria de América tropical. En Cuba se siembra en toda la isla, de ahí que forme parte de la alimentación del cubano, ya sea en fruta, o como dulce. No por gusto, en tantas familias cubanas la mermelada o cascos de guayaba resultan un postre común. Cultivada a escala de producción en algunas regiones del país. Frecuente en patios de poblaciones rurales y urbanas. La guayaba es una popular fruta salvaje originaria de Centroamérica, crece del árbol del guayabo, por lo que es muy común encontrarla en países tropicales en zonas donde no hay cultivos, como… More
History and Health WOWABA YUMMY.. YOU GIVE IT TO ME AT HOME,…. HOW ABOUT YOU, HOW ABOUT IT…. History of history Guava (guava psidium) is native to tropical America. In Cuba it is planted throughout the island, hence it is part of the Cuban food, whether in fruit, or as sweet. Not for pleasure, in so many Cuban families guava jam or helmets are a common dessert. Cultivated on a production scale in some regions of the country. Common in courtyards of rural and urban populations Guava is a popular wild fruit native to Central America, grows from the Guayabo tree, so it is very common to find it in tropical countries in areas where there are no crops, such as Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, the southern United States , Philippines, Venezuela, Costa Rica, India, South Africa and Puerto Rico. Cheers There are many varieties of guava, and can be found from the size of a small yellow sphere (like a lemon) to some larger and pink flavored much sweeter. Its fruits, which contain many seeds, are naturally consumed fresh, in drinks, ice cream and preserved. It is classified within acidic fruits, and has many properties both medicinal and nutritious. In other countries it is also known as guavo, guara, arrayana and luma. The health benefits of guava are really important, particularly for its wealth in quercetin, an antioxidant that possesses the ability to block the enzymes responsible for building sorbitol, the sugar that forms the white groups and clouds of falls, an eye degenerative disease characteristic of the elderly. For its vitamin A content is known as a booster for general eye health. It can help diminish the appearance of cataracts, macular degeneration, and even an improvement in view once it has begun to degrade. The best way to consume it is in the mornings, whether in juice or alone, and not to combine it with other fruits, especially if they are sweet, so that their purative power acts to the fullest. We must try not to consume it in syrup or canned, because in this way it loses all its medicinal attributions. It is also recommended not to use refined sugar to sweeten it, because sugar counteracts its medicinal effects. You must note that if you cook or warm up you lose your vitamin C. Due to its high vitamin C content, guava is very useful for alleviating coughs and colds, disinfection of airways, throat and lungs, and inhibiting microbial activity with its astringent properties. It helps lower blood cholesterol and prevents thickening, thus maintaining blood fluency and lowering blood pressure. ·

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