Home Todo 2 en 1 Historia y Salud ALGUIEN LE CONOCE?? CANISTEL.

2 en 1 Historia y Salud ALGUIEN LE CONOCE?? CANISTEL.

2 en 1 Historia y Salud ALGUIEN LE CONOCE?? CANISTEL. AMARILLO SIEMPRE.. Historia La planta en cuestión es un árbol perennifolio de México a Brasil. Su nombre binomial deriva de la ciudad mexicana de Campeche, de donde es nativa. Para que vea, erróneamente a veces se la refiere como Lucuma campechiana. Sin embargo, es a veces erradamente registrado como originario del norte de América del Sur donde especies relacionadas o similares son indígenas. Al parecer, se da silvestre sólo en el sur de México (incluyendo Yucatán), Belice, Guatemala y El Salvador. Se cultiva en estos países y en Costa Rica (donde nunca se ha encontrado silvestre), Nicaragua y Panamá, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Cuba (donde es… More
History and Health DOES ANYONE KNOW HIM?? CANISTEL. YELLOW ALWAYS.. History of history The plant in question is a perennial tree from Mexico to Brazil. Its binomial name derives from the Mexican city of Campeche, where it is native. For you to see, erroneously sometimes refers to it as Lucuma Campechiana. However, it is sometimes mistakenly recorded as originally from North South America where related or similar species are indigenous. It appears to be wild only in southern Mexico (including Yucatan), Belize, Guatemala and El Salvador. It is cultivated in these countries and in Costa Rica (where wildlife has never been found), Nicaragua and Panama, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Cuba (where it is most popular and marketed in Pinar del Rio), the Bahamas, South Florida and the Florida Keys. Some authors point out that the canistel has become naturalized in the Florida Keys, in the Bahamas and Cuba, but specimens that appear growing in the wild are likely on the sites of ancient houses. According to botanical researcher Oris Russell seeds from Cuba were planted in the experimental garden of Lancetilla, La Lima, Honduras in 1927. And adds that Dr. Victor M. Skate bought fruits at a Cuban market in 1957 and planted the seeds at the Agricultural Experimental Station in Palmyra, Colombia. He reported that several trees were growing well there in 1963. It is also included in experimental collections in Venezuela. The tree was introduced at low-to-medium elevations in the Philippines prior to 1924 and arrived in Hawaii, probably around the same time. Attempts to cultivate her in Singapore were unsuccessful. In 1949 there were a few canistel trees growing in East Africa. Cheers A decoction of the astringent crust is taken as febrifugal in Mexico and applied to skin eruptions in Cuba. A seed preparation has been used as a remedy for ulcers. Due to the amount of carotene you possess develops a better view and also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Strengthen the body’s immune system thanks to the ascorbic acid that possesses canistel fruit. It contains good amounts of iron and this helps form hemoglobin in the body. It also allows the consuming person to be able to combat insomnia. It’s a good source of fiber which is very beneficial for the digestive system. It helps in preventing constipation and also regulates the amount of blood sugar, it’s a good bad cholesterol reducer throughout the body. Its fruit is an excellent source of niacin and it helps to turn carbs into energy food. If consumed as ice cream even smoothie, it will bring a lot of benefits to the body simultaneously, as vitamins and minerals are being ingested so it is recommended to include it in your diet if you have the chance to get the fruit. ·

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