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¿Quién salvó a Fidel Castro cuando fracasó el Moncada.

¿Quién salvó a Fidel Castro cuando fracasó el Moncada.? Seis días después del fracasado ataque al Cuartel Moncada de Santiago de Cuba, el jefe de los asaltantes en fuga, Fidel Castro, fue capturado en las primeras estribaciones de la Sierra Maestra; por el Barrio de Sevilla en El Caney. Lo sorprendió una patrulla al mando del teniente Pedro Sarría, junto a siete de sus seguidores, dormidos en una choza, en la mañana del agosto de 1953. Con Fidel Castro integraban el grupo Oscar Alcalde, Armando Mestre , Eduardo Montano, Francisco González, Pepe Suárez, Mario Chanes de Armas y Juan Almeida Bosque. La captura de los fugitivos se produjo en medio de una intensa campaña liderada por… More
Six days after the failed attack on Santiago de Cuba’s Moncada Barracks, the escaping assailants Fidel Castro was captured in the first foothills of the Sierra Maestra; by the neighborhood of Sevilla in El Caney. He was surprised by a patrol under Lieutenant Pedro Sarr ríaa, along with seven of his followers, asleep in a hut, on the morning of August 1953. With Fidel Castro they formed the group Oscar Mayor, Armando Mestre, Eduardo Montano, Francisco Gonzalez, Pepe Suarez, Mario Chanes de Armas and Juan Almeida Bosque. The capture of the fugitives occurred amid an intense campaign led by Monsignor Enrique Pérez Serantes, Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, to respect their lives. From Havana, Cardinal Manuel Arteaga made similar efforts to the dictator Fulgencio Batista to suspend the repression unleashed in the eastern capital by Colonel Alberto del Chaviano River, head of the fortress attacked on 26 july. ′′ I’m glad to go in search of the fugitives who attacked Moncada Barracks last Sunday morning, and I thank you very much. the facilities you give me to achieve the noble purpose you. And it encourages me in this case «, wrote Perez Serantes in a letter addressed to Colonel Chaviano. ′′ I also appreciate the assurances you and me give to the fugitives. to take to the trucks of fact nobility so that those lay down their weapons and return to normal, bringing peace of mind to their desolate homes and to all Cuban families, who are suffering concerned about the fate of those boys and the peace of the Republic «, he added. The Voice of the Church in Cuba, p. 19 Colonel Chaviano’s response to this request, which has not been recorded in any known document until now, was apparently positive in judgment of the pastoral letter Peace to the Dead, published by Monsignor Pérez Serantes on July 29 ′′ There must be Christian mercy for the defeated, conducted conductive efforts, we can assure our beloved people that these righteous desires are to be fully fulfilled «, the Archbishop said and announced in the same document: ′′ We have the personal promise and formal of the Army Chief of this Region, and we trust in his military pundonor and his gentleman’s word, just as we trust the servers of the Homeland at his command, the Archbishop added «. Fragment of the Pastoral Charter, Peace to the Dead, by Archbishop Enrique Pérez Serantes Once his statement was published, Monsignor Perez Serantes personally participated in the search for Castro, along with the leader of the Catholic Action, Enrique Canto and Catholic journalist Juan Emilio Friguls Ferrer, editor of Catholicism of the Diario de la Marina. Friguls, who stayed in Cuba working in the official media and died in Havana on August 8, 2007, aged 88, thus narrated that experience in an interview given to Juventud Rebel. Among his unforgettable moments, he also confessed to having witnessed the presentation of Fidel Castro at the Vivac de Santiago de Cuba, days after the assault on Moncada. He was as a personal envoy of Cardinal Arteaga and was part of the commission chaired by Monsignor Enrique Pérez Serantes, Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, to seek out participants in the actions of July 26 «. Friguls said that he was in a jeep with Serantes and others, and ran into the truck where Lieutenant Sarria took Fidel in prison, protecting him from the interest of killing him that other army officials had. Inaccurate accounts of the capture of Castro, collected by the popular imaginary and quoted by chroniclers, without specific references, claim that he personally surrendered to Monsignor Perez Serantes, who presented him to the authorities. Others claim that Castro was saved not only by the covenant reached by the Church with Batista, but because the insurgent chief was then son-in-law of Rafael Diaz Balart, Transportation Minister and brother-in-law of his son, of the same name, who held the position of deputy minister From the Interior of Batista, Rafael Diaz-Balart Gutierrez. During the just over two years of the guerrilla insurgency, Archbishop of Santiago repeatedly raised his voice to denounce repression and advocate for peace in defense of democracy. His open sympathy for the reconquest of citizen rights explains why at the 1st event. January 1959 in Santiago de Cuba, to hear Castro for the first time, was the first to speak from one of the balconies of the city council located in front of the Cathedral Prima Cuba, in the park Céspedes. There he received it with a big hug from Commander H úbert Matos. Pérez Serantes called Castro a ′′ man of exceptional gifting «, in his Circular Letter New Life dated January 3, written in a tone loaded with optimism. ′′ On the ashes of the disappeared regime another will rise, but it should not be equal to the first, because if such a thing happened there would be no reason for it to be demolished… We therefore have the right to demand an order of things entirely new, a republic of different structure Fragment of the New Life Circular Letter by Monsignor Perez Serantes. We want and hope for a clearly democratic Republic, in which all citizens can fully enjoy the wealth of human rights, a Republic in which, without leveling all men totally, because this is impossible, all feel treated with dignity, proper to human being «. His hopes were frustrated shortly after, when Castro shifted the course of revolution’s democratic nationalism toward the Leninist Marxist communism that still dominates the island. The Archbishop, angrily denounced that road in a dozen pastors, until he died in Santiago, Cuba on April 18, 1968, reduced to silence. July 26, 2018 Pablo Alfonso
Sourceén-salvó-a-fidel-castro-cuando-fracasó-el-moncada-/190938.html ·

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