Home Todo << Las pastillas «Valda» >> Recuerdo que mi madre llevaba siempre...

<< Las pastillas «Valda» >> Recuerdo que mi madre llevaba siempre e

<< Las pastillas «Valda» >> Recuerdo que mi madre llevaba siempre en su cartera un característico contenedor de lata con pequeños “conitos verdes”. Eran las pastillas «Valda» que se anunciaban contra el dolor de garganta, resfrío, etc. Recuerdo su sabor dulce debido al azúcar que lo recubría y que luego masticando, se pegaban a los dientes. Las pastillas «Valda» nacieron en Francia, en la primera década del pasado siglo, gracias a un farmacéutico: Henri Edmond Canonne que estudiaba un preparado capaz de aliviar las infecciones de las vías respiratorias. Uno de sus experimentos «fallidos» dio origen a las pastillas de goma que bautizó como Valda y que tuvieron inmediatamente un enorme… More
I remember my mom always carrying a characteristic can container with tiny ′′ green pussy ′′ in her wallet. It was the Valda pills that were announced against sore throat, cold, etc I remember its sweet taste due to sugar that coated it and then chewing on it stick to the teeth. Valda pills were born in France in the first decade of the past century, thanks to a pharmacist Henri Edmond Canonne studying a preparation capable of alleviating respiratory infections. One of his ′′ failed ′′ experiments gave rise to the rubber tablets he baptized as Valda and were immediately enormous success at home and abroad. The green pill with eucalyptus flavored and granulated sugar was meant to ease respiratory problems, colds and throat pains.
The composition was essentially based on menthol and eucalyptus essential oil. Thanks to their qualities, ′′ Valda ′′ tablets began circulating around the world from 1912-and currently, they are still sold in many places around the world. including a si sugar version of great acceptance. ·

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