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La muerte de Frank País, traición de los Castros!!! El 30 de julio de 1957, el C

La muerte de Frank País, traición de los Castros!!! El 30 de julio de 1957, el Coordinador Nacional del Movimiento 26 de Julio, Frank País, fue asesinado por agentes del coronel José María Salas Cañizares, un sociópata que aterrorizó a los jóvenes de Santiago de Cuba. En 1953, Frank comenzó a enseñar en la escuela «El Salvador», adyacente a la Segunda Iglesia Bautista en el barrio «Sueño». También enseñó en la escuela dominical de esa iglesia. Un año más tarde se matriculó en la Universidad de Oriente, en la Escuela de Pedagogía. Allí se unió a la lucha estudiantil contra el régimen de Fulgencio Batista. En 1955 Frank País era un digno luchador en la resistencia cubana. Un maestro lúcido, un… More
On July 30, 1957, the National Coordinator of the Movement of July 26, Frank Country, was killed by officers of Colonel José Mar íaa Salas Ca añizares, a sociopath who terrified the young people of Santiago de Cuba. In 1953, Frank began teaching at the school ′′ El Salvador «, adjacent to the Second Baptist Church in the ′′ Dream ′′ neighborhood. He also taught at that church’s Sunday school. A year later he enrolled in the University of Orient, at the School of Pedagogy. There he joined the student fight against the regime of Fulgencio Batista. In 1955 Frank Country was a worthy fighter in Cuban resistance. A lucid teacher, a devoted Christian and a man of action. … a lucid teacher, a devoted Christian and a man of action. For the end of December 1955, Frank Country met with Jose Antonio Echeverria, president of the Federation of University Students (FEU) studying at the University of Havana and leader of the militant Revolutionary Directory. Close bonds of trust and ideals had been found before and developed, especially the Rights of Individual Freedoms and a visceral rejection of ′′ Caudillism «. Jose Antonio invited Frank to join the Directory, but by that time he had already merged his clandestine organization (National Revolutionary Action) with the July 26 Movement (M-26-7) while Fidel Castro was in Mexico. Frank had forged the most disciplined and cohesive revolutionary forces in the East. For Castro, Frank Country’s immediate contribution was enormous and proved to be decisive at the time of the catastrophic castrophic landing. What could have been the historic impact if Frank Country and Jose Antonio Echeverria had joined forces against Batista’s dictatorship? A touching speculation about the imponderable outcome of circumstances. Both died in 1957, twenty weeks apart. Jose Antonio on March 13, in the assault on the Presidential Palace in Havana and Frank on July 30, killed in Santiago. As the rebellion grew in intensity, Castro, exiled in Mexico, felt he was becoming a marginal figure. Frank, the charismatic master Santiaguero, headed the clandestine operation of the Movement July 26 and Jose Antonio became a national hero. Castro knew his pursuit of power was fading. Had to go back, and soon. Jorge Valls, a prominent poet and thinker wrote: ′′ Fidel’s first and most relentless war was not against Batista at all, but against any competitive revolutionary. Under no circumstances was he willing to be advanced.» In September 1956, Frank Country travelled to Mexico for a final report on Castro’s return. The plan included Castro’s landing near Niquero, Oriente and a surprising uprising of Frank’s clandestine forces in Santiago. On November 25, the overloaded yacht Granma sailed from the Tuxpan River in Yucatan. The following day, Frank Pa Paíss received an encrypted note with instructions that Granma was at sea on the way to Colorada Beach. Frank contacted Celia Sanchez and instructed her to prepare the reception teams in the landing zone and went to alert Santiago’s underground clandestine about the imminent fight. … the Granma fell in the cove of Los Coyuelos. Not only was it late, but it was shipwrecked in the wrong place. As planned, on November 30, Frank Country led the uprising of Santiago. Surprised, the Moncada garrison hesitated and the rebellion spread through the city streets. Dressed in green fatigue uniforms with red bracelets and black, the movement took control of the city centre. Jorge Sotus occupied the maritime precinct and burned it. They cut off power lines, sabotaged railways and bridges, but in mid-afternoon, the army began to return to the city and crushed the uprising. Frank Country could barely escape. Finally, on December 2, the Granma fell into the Coyuelos cove. Not only was it late, but it was shipwrecked in the wrong place. Frank was 23 years old and had played a crucial role in Castro’s survival by developing a highly efficient clandestine movement that included peasants from the mountain of Growth Perez, who had rescued Granma survivors. But the issue of total control of rebellion by a leader was very concerned Frank Country and others who risked their lives in cities. Cuba’s history was well documented about the disease of ′′ Caudillism «. Clash with Fidel Castro was inevitable. Powerful and intelligent, Frank was a healthy synthesis of wisdom and courage. Faithful Christian and militant anti-communist Frank had some Spartan and Puritan. He would have fought Cromwell and died with Leonidas in Thermopilas. The political difference between the new Cuban ′′ Warlord ′′ and the young Libertarian was widened. On July 7, Frank informed Castro that the leadership of the M-26-7 would be six members of the Executive Council and that Castro, with less than 100 men in the mountains, was leaving him to grant a delegate. On July 30, 22 days after his defiant letter to Castro, Frank was found by Batista’s men and murdered. Was he betrayed? Investigations by historians Rolando Bonachea and Marta San Mart ínn have discovered some surprising evidence, pointing directly to Vilma Esp ínn, an upper-class Marxist from Santiago, who eventually married Ra úl Castro. M-26-7 officers working at Santiago Telephone Central were highly effective in collecting data on Batista police by monitoring their phone calls. … In his mountain sanctuary, Castro knew the most serious challenge to his leadership had been eliminated… On the other hand, Batista’s men also listened carefully to telephone calls from Santiago residents, whom Vilma knew since she was in charge of July 26 Movement members working at the telephone company. The morning of his death, while hiding in Raul Pujol s’ home (who was also killed that day) Frank received an unnecessary phone call from Vilma. Shortly afterwards, Frank was found by Ca añizares Salas and their tugboats and gunned down. At age 23, the young lion died betrayed. On his body loaded with bullets lay the unfulfilled promise of freedom. Santiago was overwhelmed by sadness and anger. Thousands of people joined Frank’s funeral procession through the narrow streets of the city. It was a great challenge march. The Cuban flag covered the coffin as people sang the national anthem…. that dying for the homeland is living «. Cuban democracy had lost its best champion. The power of freedom was gone. In his mountain sanctuary, Castro knew that the most serious challenge to his leadership had been eliminated and that the road to total power was finally secured. By Peter Roig
Taken from
The author is Executive Director of the Institute of Cuban Studies. Roig is a lawyer and historian. Watch Here ·

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