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«Feliz cumpleaños a La Habana».

«Feliz cumpleaños a La Habana». Capital de todos los cubanos . 🎊🎉🎂☺🇨🇺 Un breve resumen de su historia. El primer asentamiento de la Villa de San Cristóbal de La Habana se ubicó en la costa sur del occidente de Cuba y data del año 1514. Este enclave no ofrecía las bondades geográficas necesarias para potenciar el flujo comercial en el Golfo de México. Por tanto, se continuó explorando la Isla y unos años más tarde comenzó a desarrollarse una población en la costa norte. El segundo intento de establecer la villa fue en la región de la desembocadura del río La Chorrera (Almendares) y paralelamente a esta población hubo otra en el Puerto de Carenas, en la bahía. La región del puerto tenía… More
A short summary of his history. The first settlement of the villa of San Cristobal in Havana was located off the south coast of the western Cuba and dates back to 1514. This enclave didn’t offer the geographical goodness needed to boost trade flow in the Gulf of Mexico. Therefore, the island continued to be explored and a few years later a population began to develop on the north coast. The second attempt to establish the villa was in the region of the mouth of the La Chorrera River (Almendares) and parallel to this population there was another one in the Port of Carenas in the Bay. The port region had few water supply sources, but it was a strategic position to protect Spanish fleets. This was the ultimate site of the villa de San Cristobal de Havana. Habaneros consider the founding date of the city on November 16, 1519. It is said that a mass was officiated next to the ceiba that marks the origin of this urban and is located in the Templete. The name of Villa San Cristobal de Havana is the merger of the saint chosen to baptize it and the way by which this region was known among its original settlers: Havana, the land of the Cacique Habaguanex. Why St. Christopher as Patron?
This question cannot be given a definitive answer, but most historians agree that it is due to the founding moment of the original core, in 1514. However, there are no historical documents that define a date or place of that primal core. So popular wisdom offers mystical answers. San Cristobal is the pattern of the arrivals invoking him when crossing a river, of ships, sailors, carriers and currently also of drivers. He has a beautiful story and is known as the bearer of Christ. Having been founded Havana alongside a seaport between the New and the Old World, the most logical thing is that many sailors, soldiers, friars, merchants and travelers will be entrusted to this saint to face the turbulent waters that separated them from their hometowns. His feast is celebrated on July 25 (Catholic Church) on May 9 (Orthodox Church) and July 10 (Mozarabic calendar). He’s a little revered in Cuba. Its procession on the city’s 500th anniversary departed from the Cathedral of Havana. Many people attend every November 16 the ceremony that takes place in the Temple in remembrance of the first mass in history that marks the foundation of the Cabildo of the Villa de San Cristobal de Havana. www.cibercuba. ·

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