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El lechón y las tradiciones Los días de Navidad y Fin de Año nos revuelven aquel

El lechón y las tradiciones Los días de Navidad y Fin de Año nos revuelven aquellas cosas que viste hacer, que después pasaron a tu quehacer, que siempre te resultaron agradables y divertidas a pesar de que por 29 años un absurdo prohibió celebrarla, el Año Nuevo se salvó por azares del destino. A pesar del desatino por cambiar la tradición, la Navidad y el Año Nuevo siempre se mantuvieron de una u otra forma. Por otra parte una celebración a secas no es comprensible y a la especie porcina siempre le ha tocado la peor parte de aportar el “lechón asado” que además de su sabor real lleva ese sabor a momentos alegres, familia reunida y un muy organizado desorden. Así cuando sales del país… More
Christmas and Year’s Eve days stir us up those things you saw do, which then happened to your work, which you always found nice and fun despite the fact that for 29 years an absurd banned celebrating, the New Year was saved by chances of fate. Despite the unpleasantness to change tradition, Christmas and New Year always stayed one way or another. On the other hand, a dry celebration is not understandable and the porcine species has always had the worst part of contributing the ′′ roasted lechon ′′ which in addition to its real taste, it brings that taste of joyful moments, family reunited and a highly organized disorder. So when you leave the country carrying that immense package of memories and nostalgias, among so many things you carry the ′′ roasted lechon ′′ full show included and so far you mount it in any latitude or climate In the field, the show starts with the morcilla, but not in the gut, then moving on to the ′′ jandinga ′′ or ′′ gandinga «, which if it’s with a wet casabe in its sauce, the better. The Lechon becomes the host, the first to whom you greet when you arrive at the party and as all Cubans are ′′ specialists ′′ in cyclones, baseball and roasted lechon most of us think and try to put our knowledge into practice and if the barbecue agrees to hear advice usually gets muddy. When you reach the highlight and this par excellence host is to get out of the oven comes an important step: the rage, usually for the little ones and then the ears for other tastes. Then the members of the pack go upstairs to the prey that if it keeps meat stuck to the bones it’s good but if it separates itself it’s: special. At that time someone has already said, ′′ How good are those legs for beans ′′ and forecast to have been saved… but we are still getting started. The following day the roast beef is in optimal conditions to be devoured with bread or cookies and a good latte, and immediately start thinking about the next lunch with: a good ′′ montery ′′ using roast beef plus ribs and over all the roasted ′′ skinny or strings this set cooked with lots of tomato puree, onions, garlic, salt and wine is as a guajiro would say, very good at ′′ cutting the fat ′′ consumed so far. The show is over?, not even dreaming it, missing good beans, white or colorful next day, with what? of course with the roasted legs that someone foreseeably saved. However, that porcine soul may not be able to rest yet, because in coronavirus time piglets are still the same size but people will gather less and one last problem comes: ′′ It’s a crime to throw away that remaining meat…» Solution: ′′ Let’s make some croquettes…» Ovation. It’s been three or four days now, but the ′′ roasted lechon ′′ is still a lot to talk about. ·

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