Home Todo “Voces femeninas cubanas olvidadas”: “Gloria Arredondo Falcón”.

“Voces femeninas cubanas olvidadas”: “Gloria Arredondo Falcón”.

“Voces femeninas cubanas olvidadas”: “Gloria Arredondo Falcón”… “la India del Caribe”… su énfasis en la expresión del sentimiento amoroso, cualidades que pronto le valieron el título de “creadora del estilo suspense”. “La India del Caribe” nació en Calabazar en la década de los 30. Inició su vida artística como actriz en la compañía itinerante de su tío, el actor cómico Enrique Arredondo, popular “negrito” del teatro vernáculo cubano. Pero pronto su entusiasmo por la música y el canto la impulsó a probar suerte, hacia el año 1957, en los cabarets de La Habana. A pesar de su presencia continúa en los clubes capitalinos, no encontró su sitio en los festivales de canciones y en los medios… More
′′ Glory Arredondo Falcon «… ′′ India of the Caribbean «… her focus on the expression of loving feeling, qualities that soon earned her the title of ′′ creator of the thriller style «. ′′ Caribbean India ′′ was born in Pumpazar in the 30. s. She began her artistic life as an actress in her uncle’s roaming company, comedian actor Enrique Arredondo, popular Cuban theater black s. But soon her enthusiasm for music and singing prompted her to try her luck, around the year 1957, in the Cabarets of Havana. Despite his presence continues in the capital clubs, he did not find his place in the festivals of songs and in the radio and television media all already in the hands of the Cuban state and, together with Osvaldo Estivill, chose the path of exile. In the Spanish newspaper ABC on May 4, 1968, you could read on a page with their respective large-sized photos: ′′ A ship has come loaded with all the art of two stars of exception. This is Gloria Arredondo, known throughout the Caribbean Pearl as the creative voice of the ‘suspense’ style. And this is Oswaldo Estivill, famous director, arranger and songwriter. ·

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