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La extraña relación entre Batista y Fidel Castro Fulgencio Batista y Fidel Castr

La extraña relación entre Batista y Fidel Castro Fulgencio Batista y Fidel Castro (Archivo)
LA HABANA, Cuba.- Sólo con rastrear un poco la historia de los años cuarenta y cincuenta del siglo pasado, podemos llegar a la conclusión de que la relación que hubo entre Fulgencio Batista y Fidel Castro no fue nada normal. Las evidencias lo confirman.
Esa relación comenzó cuando Raúl y Fidel eran niños, puesto que los poblados de Birán y Banes estaban muy cerca, y era donde vivían las familias Castro y Batista, respectivamente.
Existe una foto donde presuntamente aparece Raúl Castro, con apenas dos o tres años, en brazos de Batista, publicada en el periódico Avance. Allí se afirma que Batista fue su… More
Fidel Castro and Mirta Diaz-Balart wedding photo (Courtesy)
Other facts, well told and repeated and that Cuban official historians could not belittle, are a few others who can reveal for themselves, that the relationship between the Castro and Batista was stronger than we imagined.
For how is Batista understood to have provided Fidel with great privileges-confessed prison by the accused himself in his letters-and on top of that he issued orders to his officers to ′′ nothing should happen to that boy «?
How is it understood to save his life, releasing him within a few months, signed by him an amnesty, so that he could escape Cuba through the National Airport, as a minor civilian?
As an argument for abandoning power, Batista claimed that he did not want to continue to shed more Cuban blood. His army consisted of more than 700 thousand well-armed men, something that was impossible for Fidel, with his handfuls of guerrillas, to have won.
It is not evident that Fulgencio Batista, with his escape, was able to give power to his friend and compadre Angel Castro’s son, ′′ the boy who couldn’t happen to him «?
Mysteries of the human soul…
And something else: It does not attract attention that Batista has never tried to kill Fidel and that neither the new dictator, with everything in his favor, killed Batista during his long stay in the Spanish spa of Marbella and more late in Florida, closer to Havana?
Do not believe that we are facing a relationship worthy of a deep psychological study that is about to be done ·

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