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Esta interesante historia la tomé del sitio cubahora y la comparto con ustedes

Esta interesante historia la tomé del sitio cubahora y la comparto con ustedes😊 Escultura «El Ángel Rebelde», del artista italiano Salvatore Bohemi, en un patio interior del Capitolio.
Tal parece que su hermosura, más que traerle alegrías, le complicó la vida. A Satanás no le dieron otra opción que abandonar el Reino Celestial en una de las expulsiones que más ha sonado en la historia de la humanidad. Lo que muchos no saben es que el Diablo tiene hogar hoy en La Habana. El Ángel Rebelde —la figura en bronce que lo evoca—, del artista italiano Salvatore Bohemi, con un tamaño menor al de la media humana, alza sus brazos frente al Salón Simón Bolívar, en un patio interior del Capitolio. “En un… More
Italian artist Salvatore Bohemi’s ′′ The Rebel Angel ′′ sculpture in an inner Capitol yard.
It seems that her beauty, rather than bringing joys, made life difficult for her. Satan was given no choice but to leave the Heavenly Kingdom in one of the most sounded expulsions in human history. What many don’t know is that the Devil is home today in Havana. The Rebel Angel – the bronze figure that evokes it – by Italian artist Salvatore Bohemi, with a smaller size than the human average, raises his arms in front of Simon Bolivar Hall, in an inner yard of the Capitol. At first the city council of Havana welcomed the sculpture, although it was subject to a long period of pilgrimage by several places in the city. Finally, the author gave it to Orestes Ferrara, Speaker of the House of Representatives in the pseudorepublic, who, in 1931, put it on its site today «, said Iraelio Valerio Marcos, a specialist guide to the Capitol Museum. In few parts of the orb you can find statues with the image of Satan as a theme center: in Madrid Retirement Park; in Aachen, Germany; in Bangkok, Thailand and Tokyo. However, the Cuban has the peculiarity of portraying the exact moment Lucifer reveals himself against divine power. The area where the sculpture is located, although it receives few visitors-perhaps because of the ignorance of its existence-is accessible to the public through a local contiguous to the headquarters of the Ministry of Science and Environment, whose offices are located there from the years 80. Let us remember that after completion of the ambitious restoration project, the Capitol is expected to host the Cuban parliament again. Recently an Italian audiovisual producer was interested in making a scripted film set during the machadato that has the mysterious statue as its center. History, written to become a feature film of fiction, is already purchased and surely in a few years we will see Lucifer Habanero on the big screen ·

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