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¿Elvis en la Habana?: «La locura del rock bajo el calor tropical y el ojo del Gr

¿Elvis en la Habana?: «La locura del rock bajo el calor tropical y el ojo del Gran Hermano» El rey del rock Elvis Presley no parece haber visitado en persona la Habana, pero su música sí estuvo todo el tiempo de su reinado en la República entera.
He hurgado en publicaciones, pero nada el rey no nos visitó. Muchos de los que hoy peinamos canas o no peinamos nada, fuimos fans The King of the rock.Y créanme los más jóvenes ciberlectores del sitio, vuestras abuelitas mucho que suspiraron por él, esa es la verdad. En principio, debemos aclarar que Elvis alcanza la plenitud de su fama entre los años 1956 y 1977 esto quiere decir que 18 años de su carrera fueron casi ignorados en Cuba gracias a… More
The king of rock Elvis Presley doesn’t seem to have visited Havana himself, but his music was the entire time of his reign in the entire Republic.
I rummaged through posts, but nothing the king didn’t visit us. Many of us who did gray hair today or didn’t comb anything, were fans The King of the Rock. And believe me the youngest cyberlectors on the site, your granny’s a lot who sighed for him, that’s the truth. In principle, we must clarify that Elvis reaches the fullness of his fame between the years 1956 and 1977 this means that 18 years of his career were almost ignored in Cuba thanks to the progaganda according to which rock was deviation ideological and a negative trend that went against blah’s interests… blah. For those years who you know referred to the young fans of Elvis I quote verbatim, extravagant, feminoid behavior, elvispresslian and diverted from the process… What do you think?
Accordingly, that attitude was awarded at the end with UMAP repressive camps that other members of Nostalgia Cuba wrote about. The Big Brother, with his ever-vigilant eye censored any atisse of current in the direction of rock, although it was actually impossible to stop the avalanche of the genre emerged in the USA and of which the astro made films such as Wild in the Country or The Jailhouse Rock (El jail rock) that were exhibited in Cuba. Elvis Aaron Presley was born in Tupelo Missipi on January 8, 1935 and passed away at age 42 on August 17 in Graceland. By dying, the King of Rock left an extensive and laureate artwork, dozens of albums, movies and tours as well as hundreds of millions of fans around the world. Glory to the King of rock Elvis Presley! ·

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