InicioTodoLa historia secreta sobre la relación entre Fidel Castro y Pablo Escobar.

La historia secreta sobre la relación entre Fidel Castro y Pablo Escobar.

La historia secreta sobre la relación entre Fidel Castro y Pablo Escobar. Popeye, sicario de Pablo Escobar, reveló los vínculos que mantuvieron el capo narco y Fidel Castro. Durante años, el régimen de Fidel Castro fue acusado por diversos países de haber contribuido al narcotráfico en América Latina. Lo que tal vez pocos conocían es su supuesta relación con el mayor capo narco de la historia, Pablo Escobar. Así lo reveló nada menos que John Jairo Velásquez, más conocido como «Popeye», sicario del líder del Cártel de Medellín. En su libro El verdadero Pablo, hace alusión al presunto vínculo que tuvo el régimen castrista con el tráfico de drogas a través de Cuba, consigna Diario las Américas.… More
For years, Fidel Castro’s regime was accused by several countries of contributing to drug trafficking in Latin America. What few perhaps knew is their alleged relationship with the biggest narco kingpin in history, Pablo Escobar. This revealed nothing less than John Jairo Velasquez, aka ′′ Popeye «, hitman of the Medellin Cartel leader. In his book The True Pablo, he refers to the alleged link that the Castro regime had with drug trafficking through Cuba, slogan Diario las Américas. ′′ Pablo (Escobar) was happy with that route (Colombia-Mexico-Cuba-United States). He said it was a pleasure to do business with Ra úl Castro, because he was a serious man and entrepreneur «, Popeye recounted in his publication. John Jairo Velasquez, aka Popeye detailed that the operation lasted about two years and was conducted ′′ by Cuban military under General Arnaldo Ochoa and Guardian officer Tony, under direct instructions from Ra úl Castro «. Each flight carried between 10.000 and 12.000 kilograms of cocaine, allowing Escobar to significantly multiply its earnings, the Colombian hitman said. ′′ This route filled the Pattern’s coffers (as Escobar was called), who was illegal when starting business with Cubans, as the war with the Colombian State (to avoid extradition) had demanded him many resources «. Jorge Avenda ñoo, nicknamed ′′ The Crocodile «, was the one who made the link between Escobar and Fidel through the dictator’s brother Raul, the current regime leader. ′′ Pablo Escobar retains friendship with Fidel Castro since his stay in Nicaragua; they have never spoken personally, but they maintain permanent and fluent communication by letters and third persons «, Popeye said in his book. ′′ Cubans receive $ 2.000 per kilo of drug transported and $ 200 per kilo guarded «, he added. For his part, he recognized that ′′ the route fell when the whole scandal broke out, as a large shipment confiscated by the DEA from Cuba, and several Cubans detained confessed, giving away the operation «. Source ·

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