LA GATICA DE MARIA RAMOS. Con frecuencia utilizamos el dicho de “gatica de María Ramos, que tira la piedra y esconde la mano” cuando nos referirnos a una persona hipócrita o que oculta sus verdaderas intenciones bajo otra apariencia, es decir, una persona que aparenta ser inocente y no lo es. Según estas versiones, el personaje de María Ramos era una hermosa mujer que ejercía la prostitución en el popular y marginal barrio habanero de Jesús María, donde vivía con un proxeneta, que respondía al nombre de Virgilio, el cual la explotaba obligándola a ejercer el oficio más antiguo del mundo. Según esta versión, encontraron muerto al “amigo” de María en su propia casa. Había sido asesinado con… More
According to these versions, the character of Maria Ramos was a beautiful woman who practiced prostitution in the popular and slim Habanero neighborhood of Jesus Mary, where she lived with a pimp, who responded to the name of Virgil, who exploited her, forcing her to practice the trade oldest in the world. According to this version, Maria’s ′′ friend ′′ was found dead in his own home. He had been killed with a grinding stone from Mary’s own kitchen. She defended herself by declaring she was not home, that when she arrived she found the deceased on the ground and that the only one in the house was Mimi, her kitten. The judge didn’t believe her and sent her to jail. The version does not clarify what happened next with her cat, but we all know that ′′ Maria Ramo s’ kitten ′′ enjoys immortal life in the popular saying for having been able to ′′ throw such a stone and then continue purring as if nothing had happened «. ·

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