Home Todo La historia y leyenda de Amelia Goyri, la Milagrosa de Cuba.

La historia y leyenda de Amelia Goyri, la Milagrosa de Cuba.

La historia y leyenda de Amelia Goyri, la Milagrosa de Cuba. Sucesos que convirtieron a Amelia Goyri en la Milagrosa del Cementerio Colón en la Habana, protectora de las madres, cuya tumba es la más querida, popular y visitada. La historia y leyenda de la Milagrosa de Cuba, cuya tumba es la más popular y visitada del Cementerio Colón La tumba más popular, la más querida y respetada del Cementerio de Colón en la Habana, es indudablemente la de La Milagrosa. La historia de Amelia Goyri es una triste historia de amor que se convirtió en leyenda para siempre.
Según la historia Amelia Goyri de la Hoz desde muy joven estaba enamorada de José Vicente Adot Rabell, el que correspondía a su amor, pero… More
Events that turned Amelia Goyri into the Miracle of Columbus Cemetery in Havana, protective of mothers, whose grave is the most beloved, popular and visited. The history and legend of the Miracle of Cuba, whose tomb is the most popular and visited of the Columbus Cemetery, the most popular tomb, the most beloved and respected of the Columbus Cemetery in Havana, is undoubtedly that of La Miracle. Amelia Goyri’s story is a sad love story that became legend forever.
According to the story Amelia Goyri de la Hoz from a young age, she was in love with Jose Vicente Adot Rabell, who corresponded to her love, but because of the boy’s lower social status, his parents were resoundingly opposed to this relationship.
That’s why Amelia had to wait for her father’s death, so she could marry the man she really loved. A year after marriage had passed when complications due to hypertension and both die, the creature and the mother who was just 23 years old were just 23 years old.
This happened on May 3, 1901, the day Christians celebrate the Day of the Blessed Cruz.
Amelia was buried in a modest vault of Columbus Cemetery as the husband opposed her being buried as appropriate for her social rank, in the luxurious pantheon of the Marques of Balboa.
As was customary at the time the woman was buried with the lifeless girl placed at her feet.
The husband was so in love, that death almost upset his reason.
She was reportedly visiting her grave two and three times a day, playing in marble with one of the argoles to wake her beloved up and continued to visit her daily for 40 years until the date of her death. Years later in 1914 when Amelia had been dead for 13 years, Jose Vicente’s father dies and it is decided to bury him in the same vault as Amelia, for which he proceeds to exhume his remains.
Jose Vicente asks to be present to see Amalia for the last time and with stupor discover all the present that the two bodies were intact and that Amelia narrowed the creature in her arms.
After that, the vault was again covered and was preserved untouchable until today.
This event spread across the city and country.
From that moment Amelia became ′′ The Miracle ′′ and the protector of future mothers, mothers and children, to whom she grants miracles.
Jose Vicente died in 1941 and according to his wishes he was buried with his beloved.
The famous ring of the vault cover that I play for 40 years disappeared, but still keep the other three that the faithful day by day touch to wake Amelia up and make requests with faith. She has gained enormous fame over the years for granting miracles to many people, mainly mothers who have come to her as a last resort to seek protection for their children, health, or to beg for the possibility of being able to beg them.
Never missing flowers in that simple and modest vault, nor missing people who will make requests or respectfully greet the famous woman. ·

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